Electronics Over WiFi with x-OSC

Date: 30/11/2013

Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Location: SPACE

Have you been looking for an easy way to add physical sensors and actuators like buttons and motors to your software project?  How about cutting the wires and going wireless?  The x-OSC by x-IO is a wireless board that lets you easily add sensors and actuators and control them all over WiFi using OSC messages. No microcontroller programming required.

In this workshop you’ll get to try out the x-OSC, learn how to use it and test out your ideas.  All kit will be provided, but if you’d like to purchase an x-OSC, just order one from x-IO and add a note to the order that you’d like to collect it from the workshop.

What will you learn?
You  will learn how to setup an x-OSC and start using it in Processing, but if there’s any other environment you’d like to use, bring your laptop with it installed and we’ll to help you get it setup with x-OSC.

The workshop will walk you through some example applications and then allow time for experimentation.

What do you need to bring?
Computers will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.  Kit will also be provided for use during the workshop, but if there’s a particular component you’d like to try adding to the x-OSC, but please bring it along.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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