This weekend Southbank Centre’s Festival of Love is all about Storge – that’s what the ancient Greeks called family love.
Codasign will be running drop in making workshops and demonstrations which families are invited to come and participate in for free! We will also be running some structured Scratch and MaKey MaKey ones too – all details below:
Digital Family Tree & Digital Making (Royal Festival Hall, ground floor) – with Codasign and Viviane Schwarz
All day drop-in digital activity in which parents and children can create a circuit leaf to add to the a large scale digital family tree. The digital playground space will also have a series of drop-in demo areas where families can interact with DIY and Digital maker objects.
Storge Digital Workshops (JP Morgan Pavilion)
10:30 – 13:00 (6-9 year olds) & 14:00 – 16:30 (9-12 year olds)
10 children with 10 accompanying adults
Learn about Scratch and MaKey MaKey
Come and learn how to create your very own interactive hand puppet which tells you a story using Scratch and MaKey MaKey in this family workshop.
Together you will write a short story about an experience you have shared which you will then animate in Scratch, a visual programming environment. We will turn characters into interactive puppets which can be connected to the computer using a MaKey MaKey, enabling them to tell your tale! We’ll start from the basics, teaching you how to program in Scratch as well as designing and drawing your own background, character and objects. At the end of the workshop you will have your puppet to take home with you and will be able to access your animation at home via the Scratch website.
You can sign up for these workshops on the day. For more details email the Southbank Centre learning team at [email protected]