Codasign Closure News

Codasign has some news; 2016 is going to be our last year of operation. We are incredibly proud of the work we’ve done, including projects such as Superpowers, Making Friends and all of our public workshops with amazing museum and gallery partners, but we’ll be closing shop in August. Our last workshop (combined with a party) will happen in May.

Exciting new opportunities have arisen for several members of the Codasign family, so we feel it’s time to celebrate what we have accomplished and move on to new activities. Becky is taking up a full-time role as a Lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London and Emilie has begun a PhD at The Open University so we have our hands quite full! A number of our instructors have also started full-time employment with tech companies and universities, so exciting times for everyone. We are so lucky to have worked with amazing people and the Codasign team is varied and talented so we are sure that lots of exciting projects will still be happening even if they directly connected to Codasign.

We will be holding a closing event of workshops (and a party) on Saturday 21st May at SPACE and will share more details as we know them – we would of course love for everyone to  come so please do look out for our email with more information.

To everyone who has worked with us, funded us or attended one of our workshops, THANK YOU! We are very grateful for everyone’s support over the years and look forward to the future ahead.

